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Monday, February 2, 2015

No Fast Food Febuary


Watching what we eat is easier said than done. Over the past 3 years sir and I have worked on improving our eating habits to assist in our physical and financial health however, depending on "variables" that play a part of our daily life, we've found it to be difficult at times to stay on track: 

Late work day: Grab a fast food meal on the way home.
Late night(s) out on the town: Grab a fast food meal on the way home. 
Forgetting to prep dinner and/or just not in the mood to cook: ...You get the gist...

We have certainly come a long way as I can remember a time when we ate out almost everyday. There are some fast food restaurants that have been completely removed from the radar and we make better choices when ordering but it can get better. 

While we aren't as bad as we use to be with eating out and/or ordering in, we are still looking to improve this habit. I have personally noticed that when I do eat out a lot... I feel bad physically.

Mission for the month: No Fast Food... Again, easier said than done with it being so easy to just hop in the car and swing through someones drive-thru for a quick bite but, with the help of Pinterest (ie: yummy fast food meal substitutes) and restraint, we can make this happen. 

Our plan is to avoid outside foods all together: fast food and ANY sort and dining out will be prohibited this month. I know some are thinking "well, what about Valentine's Day?". Well... what about it??? We can still have a lovely dinner at home (as we have many times. I really enjoy preparing dinner rather than going out on V-Day).

I'll be sharing some of our meals via social media (mainly Instagram @Creatively_Coiled) and maybe at the end of the month I'll post all the pictures her on the blog. 

Do you and your family make it a point NOT to eat out? Do you have any tips that would help others avoid the call of fast food?


  1. This is one of my goals for this month! #GreatMindsThinkAlike I'm also kicking up my water intake. Not that I drink tons of soda/coffee what have you but I just don't take in enough fluids daily period. Hoping I see some change with my skin and the sluggish feeling I've had lately. #GoodLuck Can't wait to see the meals. Tag me if you find something good on pinterest (Man, this escalated quickly...a whole paragraph Shan!) lol

    1. Ooooh that's a good one. I have been fighting to drink more water. I get through maybe 3 bottles per day and it's like I'm forcing myself to drInk. Really have to work I that.

  2. First things first, I Poppa frea.... No really First: I have to say that I am loving the look of the blog. It's so bright and fresh! Secondly: Not eating out at all is a huge commitment. We (me and my funky bunch) are trying to stay away from certain places, but eliminating them altogether would cause me a bit of strife. You've heard of hush money? Well... I have hush food..or toys...and some places provide both lol. But I believe that you and the hubby are going to do well with this goal. Just plan, plan, plan.

    1. I like the sound of that: Hush Foods. We definitely have places we steer clear of all together. It is a bit tough already especially at work with people ordering food for lunch. All of a sudden people want to check in and see if I want to order with them (lol) luckily I always bring lunch but it is tempting. And thank you! I'm glad you like the look of the blog :)

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