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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Farewell 2016| Memorable Moments

We are a little over 1 week into the new year and while 2016 held held a lot of broadcasted highs and lows, I would like to share some memorable moments from my life.

After 10 years in our previous location, we finally moved. It was stressfull purging and sorting but it helped us prioritize what to keep as well as bringing up the conversation to minimize as much as possible moving forward. Still getting adjusted to the new place but I knkw it has great benefits for the little one.

Button Turns 1!
I'm happy to say that we have made through 1 year of parenting (with the helpful advice from friends and assistance from our parents). Looking back on her rushed beginnings I am still in amazement at how far she has come.

Becoming an auntie!
What could be more exciting than having a little one of your own? Having your little one have a cousin close in age. I am so excited to see how these two interact and just watch them grow.

What were your memorable moments of 2016?

1 comment:

  1. Woooo 2016 was quite the year of transition for me...but anyway yay for babies Button & Killa Cam! It's been great to see our J-Kiss grow stronger and sassier as the months rolled by!
