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Sunday, December 13, 2015

15 Questions | Fall Tag

Scarfs, sweaters, comfort food, beautiful scenery and family/group gatherings; All the signs that Fall is here and we are beginning to close out yet another year. With that being said,  I ran across a Fall Tag online and figured I would take a crack at answering the questions. 

Here we go!

1. Favorite candle scent?
When is comes to actual candles, I'm a fan of fruitier scents however, in wax melts I enjoy Glades Cashmere woods; Somethings about this scent gives off a fresh manly scent.

2. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
I like them all equally in the colder months: 
Coffee choice is Maxwell House Hazelnut or French Vanilla. Tea, Biglowe Lemon Ginger tea. Hot chocolate...No preference, its all delicious.

3. What's the best the Fall memory you have?
Growing up on the coast, our family had a large tree in the front yard so when Fall hit all the leaves would fall and I kind of enjoyed helping rake the leaves into piles. I also enjoyed falling into said piles of leaves until one day I discovered a slug was on me afterwards...So ended that experience.

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips off winged eyeliner?
I would have to say winged eyeliner. I have yet to find a lipstick that I think fits me. 

5. Best fragrance for fall?
My mother stocked me up on The Body Shop's Warm Amber body wash a few years back and after giving away 2 and realizing that I really enjoyed the scent...I fell in love. I finally used up all my bottles and now I am missing it *insert sad face emoji*

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food(s)?
*So yeah...Thanksgiving has come and gone buuuuuut* Hands down: Mom's sweet potato pie, granny's cranberry salad (please note: this is NOT that crap that comes in a can...Granny hooks it up) and stuffing.

7. What is Autumn weather like where you live? 
Living in NC that weather is crazy; it could be Fall and Monday the high is 48. Tuesday 75 with a chance of rain... It is very random.

8. Most worn sweater? 
Last Fall I really got into purchasing sweaters and my favorite is this soft pink and grey leopard print one purchased from Torrid.

9. Must-have nail polish this Fall?
I won't say this is a must have however, I do have a favorite Fall color. I spoke of this years ago in my Pick 6 for Fall: Five Below has/had a burgundy polish called "Jazz Hands" that I enjoy wearing in Fall.

10. Football games or jumping in leaves?
Honestly, I'm not too much pressed for either of the two.

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?
I would choose skinny jeans (personally not a fan of wearing leggings in public).

12. Combat boots or Uggs?
Uh... Combats boots ALL DAY LONG. I have never been into the Uggs trend.

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
In my opinion...No. I would much rather have hazelnut flavor or something with the taste of sweet potato.

14. Favorite Fall TV show?
I absolutely LOVE AMC's The Walking Dead (follow #DemDeadz  on Twitter for great commentary during the show)...And now I'm patiently waiting for February to come for the new episode.

15. What song really gets you into the Fall spirit?
*crickets* there really isn't a song that gets me in the Fall spirit.

So, who do I tag???? EVERYONE!
 *ready, set, go!*


  1. I ACCEPT! #bloglife (I said that in my head with inflection of how you'd say #thuglife) Also, I have a funny answer to the song question!

    1. I'm so glad you accepted. I'm excited to see your answers😄

  2. I stumbled on this post, let's do this for spring 17!
