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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I realized that my"Nappyversary" has come and gone. July 2nd marked 3 years of me being chemical (relaxer) free. I must say that I'm loving every moment it!

I know every curly girl doesn't have the same story. For me, I was fed up with the results I was getting when relaxing my hair. For more information Click Here to view year 2.

This past year has been mostly experimenting with styles like top knots, braid outs, twist outs, flat twist , and Marley hair.  I've also tested different products to see what works for me and what doesn't. I do however have certain products that are the core of my hair care routine and I do not stray however, I do try different curly puddings.

Length check? Nah. I'm not too pressed about how long it gets. I'm just enjoying the ride. there is clearly a length difference between this time last year and now and with the length I am itching to do something extreme like shave the sides or get a wild color BUT I'm going to hold off... For now.