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Monday, February 15, 2016

Soul Food| Food For Thought

Fried chicken, collard greens, ham, yams and biscuits are just some of the food that come to mind when I hear someone talk about Soul Food.

In my attempts to stay on point with the #NoFastFoodFebruary challenge, I went to the web for inspiration on meal ideas and stumbled across the PBS documentary Soul Food Junkie. This documentary looks into the culture of southern cuisine and the impact it has had on the health and food choices in black communities.

Near the end of the documentary, a point was made that soul food is not necessarily the "traditional" southern foods or meals we think of BUT can be any food/meal that you find to be delicious or "good to your soul".

So, with ALL OF THAT being said... What food is good to YOUR soul? What meals are staples in you household?

Mine would have to be...

I know it seems simple but I load it down spinach, peppers, squash, zucchini and onions. For our meat, I use turkey sausage and regular ground turkey. And lastly, whole grain spaghetti noodles.
This dish is made at least once a month and I make enough to last a few day so I have some to take to work and still eat for dinner. I love this meal because it is so simple to make however, over the years I've adjusted it from what i grew up eating.


  1. It would be chili. I can eat it year round, it's chalked full of veggies and is just darn yummy! Oh and nice change to the logo!

    1. Chili comes in a close 2nd for foods that are good to my soul.
