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Monday, March 30, 2015

Pick 6 - Winter

Well, hello Spring. Even though the warm weather hasn't officially settled in  I must say that I am looking forward to any sight of sunshine and warm weather BUT, before we move on past the chills let me share my...

African Braid Durban Twist Hair - I lucked up on this at a nearby beauty supply trying to figure out a quick way to style my hair. What really caught my attention was the definition: as if it were in large twist. The texture of the hair is softer than other braiding hair I have used in the past which is also a plus for me. I wasn't in the mood to do any detailed styling so I resulted to simple top knots to keep my hands out of my hair for a while. I buy this hair again and attempt to install kinky twist.

Fashion: Trench coat from Target - I purchase this coat well over 4 years ago for $13.00 from Target and I absolutely love it. With the cold weather that hits North Carolina, it is nice to have a nice long coat to wear. It is also machine washable so I have no problem keeping it clean.

Beauty: Very simple for the this Winter - A cocoa butter stick. Along with dry skin I suffer from hyper pigmentation  on my face which happens very easily when I mess the the acne on my face. If I catch these dark spots soon enough, I'm able to correct them by slathering cocoa butter on spot before I go to bed.

Skin: Shea Moisture Massage Oils - If you didn't know already, I'm #TeamSheaMoisture. Once out of the shower, I simply apply this to my skin without completely drying off to help lock in moisture. I've been enjoying the Olive and Green Tea oil.

Accessories: Stud earrings from Target - I wear these literally everyday when I'm  not looking to over do the ear glam. They are simple but "blinged" out a bit where I do not feel like I am doing too much.

Random: Hmmmm. I would have to say that my random this Winter is BAGELS - I've really been leaning with them hard this season as a quick breakfast. I have  enjoyed all wheat and poppy seed bagels 
with Garden Vegetable cream cheese.

Share with me your favorites from Winter :)

1 comment:

  1. Weren't we just talking about that cocoa butter stick at our reunion dinner?! It was my go-to face moisturizer during the winter and early spring. I'm moving to something a little lighter since its warmer now but still found myself pulling it out due to cold I had. No one wants that super dry irritated nose from tissues! Great list...since its almost summer I can't wait for the Spring list!
