Monday, February 19, 2018

Motivational Monday| Chapter 3

Baby girl Button is entering into year 3 of life. It has been such a journey since her birth: transitioning from ICN, to TCN, eye surgery, FINALLY being to come home and physical therapy.  She has overcome odds. 

I often look at old photos and reflect on times that now, seem so far away.

Button is an active 2yr old that can remember a time and song, knows most of her alphabets, colors, shapes and is full of so much energy... like seriously: she doesn't know the meaning of the word "walk" because she runs everywhere (lol!).

My mission is to help her continue to thrive but I would like to help other families that may experience the what we went through.

Along with our great personal support system, March of Dimes gave us a sense of stability considering the circumstances as they helped us gain access to information, financial assistance, supplies needs for Button and more. 

Want to help and/or join my team?


  1. Hey girl, hey! #TeamFife will definitely make a contribution this year & sharing on social media! Tell Jadakiss that SkyBoogie said hey! Play date soon?

    1. We do need a mommy and baby play date. It has been a while since we've met up!
